What Parents Say About Alasna Quranic Homeschool

“I work full time which makes it hard to accumulate and organize the information of such nature. Having it all ready and especially in a language that the children can grasp is amazing.”

Happy Mom

“I’m new to Alasna, but not to homeschooling. Two years ago, I had started to research different options for homeschooling. I was discouraged as I couldn’t find an Islamic curriculum. Everything was purely Islamic studies, nothing blending Islam with “secular” subjects. I found plenty of Christian resources, but nothing for Muslims. I resorted to doing my own thing. Piecing it together here and there; which was fine. However, over the past couple of months I’ve felt like I needed to do more for my children. Alhamdulillah I stumbled across Alasna. I was hesitant to purchase at first simply because I didn’t know what to expect. Bur after reading the description, I knew this was exactly what I had been looking for. Today was our first day using the curriculum. I’m so happy to have found Alasna as it is truly one of a kind! You are providing something that is unfortunately rare, special, and so necessary in these times. I pray Allah blesses your family and your work. Ameen.”

Aziza D

“Can I just also say that I'm extremely happy with this curriculum. For years I've been always struggling to find the right curriculum that fits our family and where the Deen and Quran is central to our homeschool approach. Your curriculum has improved our homeschool so much Allahumma baarik.”

Muslim Mom

“This is by far the best curriculum I've seen. I loved Charlotte Mason and Montessori methods and have been trying to use those over the years, but yours definitely trumps them. I can't imagine using another curriculum now!”

Happy Parent

“This program has been beneficial not only to my 5 years old son but to me as well. I do not mean to say that the process has been smooth (just like you have mentioned in your lectures, we have had our good days and our bad ones) but after you start seeing the fruits of the effort you have put in alhamdulilah the heart is content. My son at this point keeps reminding all family members to say Bismilah before we do something (even to his 2 year old sister).”


“Subhanallah. Today was our first day. My daughter (9) said to me as we were doing the Tafseer: "Ummi I'm falling more in love with Allah as you explain to us," and I wanted to cry.”


“I really love how you are bringing verses of the Quran in the science discussion! it’s absolutely mind blowing and super exciting for the children.”

Another Mom

“Jazaki Alahu khayr for the your Quranic Homeschooling course, it is just amazing, Allahumma Barik. I have been looking for years about a way to teach my child the Quran in an attractive and easy way in addition to correlating it to our daily life. And alhamdolillah, by Allah's will I came across your course.”

Muslim Mom

“Alhamdulillaah, your curriculum is so easy to apply. I simply read the lesson plan and talk about it with my children. The child friendly Tafsir, related ahadith and Tadabbur points are gold. I don't need any complicated activity prep and I can still see my children understanding what their Creator is telling them through the Qur'an. I love how your curriculum is mainly about preparing the parent. When the parent knows the children will naturally follow.”

Another Muslim Parent

So You're a Muslim Parent Who Wants to Homeschool?

But you have NO CLUE where to start!

We are here to provide you with:

1. The training and practical tips you need to homeschool (how to set up your classroom, how to motivate your children, how to balance your role as parent vs. teacher, etc.)

2. The comprehensive, holistic Quranic curriculum you can teach your child(ren) lesson by lesson

IMPORTANT: We do not teach your children directly. Rather, we give you the tools and knowledge to homeschool them with our Quranic curriculum.

DISCLAIMER: Different locales have different homeschool regulations. It is parents' responsibility to make sure to comply with these requirements.

What Do You Get?

Here are all the digital resources included.

What makes Alasna's curriculum different is that we built it from the ground up to revolve around Islam, rather than copy-paste secular programs and sprinkle one or two Islamic subjects.

  • 16 Units [Over 560 Pages of Curriculum and Lesson Planning]

  • Over 20 Hours of Video Walk Throughs [Training You to Be an Effective Teacher]

  • Over 200 Pages of Worksheets and Exercises

  • Beautiful Arabic Alphabet and Tashkil Flashcards

  • Beautiful English Alphabet Flashcards

  • Arabic and English Sight Words Flashcards

What Makes This Program Different?

  • Not just a curriculum, but an entirely new way to homeschool through the Book of Allah.

  • Quran Centered - Quran leads and other subjects like science, social studies, etc., follow based on Quran.

  • Weekly LIVE sessions with experienced homeschool expert to address your questions.

  • Family Centered - The whole family learns together, teaching children across grade levels.

  • Targeted individual lessons that inspire curiosity and are age appropriate.

  • Flexibility - The curriculum allows you to customize lessons to your child(ren)'s needs week by week.

Curriculum Packages [More Info Below]

Please read carefully and choose the package that is right for you.
Note: We cannot refund payment processing fees for purchases made by mistake.

  • $199.00

    $199.00Quranic Homeschool Level 1 Package

    - 16 Units (Covers Surah 98 - 114)
    - Over 560 pages of lesson planning and curriculum
    - Over 200 pages of worksheet exercises
    - Over 20 Hours of Video Walk Throughs [Training You to Be an Effective Teacher]
    - 1 year access to online course portal and discussion forum included
    - And much more! (see below)
    Buy Now
  • $199.00

    $199.00Quranic Homeschool Level 2 Package

    - 16 Units (Covers Surah 86 - 97)
    - Over 560 pages of lesson planning and curriculum
    - Over 200 pages of worksheet exercises
    - Over 20 Hours of Video Walk Throughs [Training You to Be an Effective Teacher]
    - 1 year access to online course portal and discussion forum included
    - And much more! (see below)
    Buy Now
  • $19.99

    $19.99Ramadan Package - Quranic Lesson Plan for Children

    Note: Do NOT buy if you are already enrolled in Spring 2021 because Ramadan units are included there.
    - 2 Units (Covers Surahs al-Qadr and al-`Alaq)
    - Over 100 pages of lesson planning covering sirah, duas, and other important Ramadan topics for children
    - Over 30 pages of worksheets
    - 2 Video Walkthroughs
    Buy Now
  • $33.00

    $33.00Bonded Hearts, Noble Minds: Islamic Home Schooling 101

    Want to learn the benefits of homeschooling and how do ACTUALLY do it? This in-depth course takes you through all the details and benefits of homeschooling from a Muslim mom (Umm Khalid) who has a decade of experience researching and practicing homeschooling.
    Buy Now
  • $9.99

    $9.99Dhul Hijjah Package - Quranic Lesson Plan for Children

    Note: Do NOT buy if you are already enrolled in Spring 2021 because Dhul Hijjah units are included there.
    - 1 Unit
    - Over 60 pages of lesson planning covering Quran, sirah, hadith, and other important Hajj topics for children
    - Social Studies, Science, English, and Arabic subjects
    - Over 30 pages of worksheets
    Buy Now

How Does It Work?

1. Parents download the weekly Unit and lesson planning materials.

2. Parents watch the Unit Walk Through video, which explains everything in the Unit in depth.

3. Parents use these resources and the training knowledge to homeschool children.

4. Parents take their experience and feedback to ask questions in the discussion forum to get tips and support.

5. All Walk Throughs are pre-recorded so parents can go back and refer to them later at their own pace.

IMPORTANT: We do not teach your children directly. Rather, we give you the tools and knowledge to homeschool them with our Quranic curriculum. 

Register Now for Spring Semester!

Cost: $199 Per Family

Subjects Included in the Curriculum (Ages 3-10)

These are the topics that the Quranic curriculum teaches with full lesson plans and worksheets.

  • Quran (Memorization, Tajwid, Tafsir, Vocab, Reflection)

  • Islamic Studies (Sirah, Lives of Sahaba, Hadith, Dua, Islamic Values)

  • Arabic Basics (Reading, Writing, Comprehension)

  • English/Language Arts (Reading, Writing, Comprehension, Grammar, Spelling)

  • Science (Life Sciences, Earth Sciences, Physics)

  • Social Studies (History, Geography, Cultures)

  • Art/Activities (Creativity, Imaginative Play)

What Does Quranic Homeschool Look Like?

A Typical Day of Quran-Centered Learning...

This Quran-centered curriculum is meant to be used for multiple children across various age ranges and grade levels, unlike most boxed curricula that are rigidly grade-specific and which require buying separately for each child.

Instead, you can sit down with all of your children at once and use 1 curriculum as the main portion of your homeschool every day. Each child brings a unique lens and perspective, making for a lively discussion inshaAllah.

This feature of a single, unified daily session simplifies the homeschool experience, while also carving out a special daily time of family learning and bonding.

After this first group subject of Quran, we then split up into the individual age-appropriate follow-up segment of the day. Each child works on an activity stemming from that day's ayat, in a way that best fits that child's age and developmental stage. For a young child, that can look like a coloring exercise. For a 6 or 7 year-old, this is an exercise in reading and writing, revolving around that day's verses.

Often, the ayat of any given lesson prompt a discussion on things like مكارم الأخلاق , Islamic values and character building (such as the importance of giving صدقة, charity, to the orphan and the needy). Other ayat introduce foundational discussions around exploring emotions, such as the emotion of envy in Surat Al-Falaq and the emotion of fear in Surat Quraysh. Yet other surahs call our attention to the magnificent creations of Allah like the mountains, the sky, the sun, the clouds, the rain; these segway into an investigation into the natural world in that day's natural science period. And so forth.

In this way, all learning is Quran based.

Learning Outcomes for Children (Ages 3-10)

You can expect to be able to teach your child(ren) to:

  • Memorize Quran Surahs (30th Juz) and Understand the Meaning

  • Adopt Islamic Values, Character, and Love for Quran

  • Learn Reading, Writing, History, Life Sciences, Through the Quran

  • Appreciate How the Quran Is Relevant to Every Aspect of Life and Knowledge

Learning Outcomes for Parents

Parents can expect to learn:

  • How to Make Islamic Homeschool a Reality

  • Practical Tips for Effective Homeschooling

  • Curriculum with Teacher's Guide, Giving You Both the "How" and the "What" of Islamic Homeschool


Looking for a unique lesson plan for Ramadan to enjoy with your children?

  • $19.99

    $19.99Ramadan Package - Quranic Lesson Plan for Children

    Note: Do NOT buy if you are already enrolled our Level 2 Package because Ramadan units are included there.
    - 2 Units (Covers Surahs al-Qadr and al-`Alaq)
    - Over 100 pages of lesson planning covering sirah, duas, and other important Ramadan topics for children
    - Over 30 pages of worksheets
    - 2 Video Walkthroughs
    Buy Now

Curriculum Packages

Start your journey of Quranic learning with your children today!

  • $199.00

    $199.00Quranic Homeschool Level 1 Package

    - 16 Units (Covers Surah 98 - 114)
    - Over 560 pages of lesson planning and curriculum
    - Over 200 pages of worksheet exercises
    - Over 20 Hours of Video Walk Throughs [Training You to Be an Effective Teacher]
    - And much more! (see below)
    Buy Now
  • $199.00

    $199.00Quranic Homeschool Level 2 Package

    - 16 Units (Covers Surah 86 - 97)
    - Over 560 pages of lesson planning and curriculum
    - Over 200 pages of worksheet exercises
    - Over 20 Hours of Video Walk Throughs [Training You to Be an Effective Teacher]
    - And much more! (see below)
    Buy Now
  • $19.99

    $19.99Ramadan Package - Quranic Lesson Plan for Children

    Note: Do NOT buy if you are already enrolled in Spring 2021 because Ramadan units are included there.
    - 2 Units (Covers Surahs al-Qadr and al-`Alaq)
    - Over 100 pages of lesson planning covering sirah, duas, and other important Ramadan topics for children
    - Over 30 pages of worksheets
    - 2 Video Walkthroughs
    Buy Now
  • $33.00

    $33.00Bonded Hearts, Noble Minds: Islamic Home Schooling 101

    Want to learn the benefits of homeschooling and how do ACTUALLY do it? This in-depth course takes you through all the details and benefits of homeschooling from a Muslim mom (Umm Khalid) who has a decade of experience researching and practicing homeschooling.
    Buy Now