Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Important Course Info and Download

    • Course Prerequisite

  • 2

    Enter the Paradigm

    • Defining the Paradigm

    • Exercise: Islamic vs. Modernist Paradigm Comparison

    • Comparing Islamic vs. Modernist Paradigms

    • Chapter 1 Quiz

  • 3

    The Tortured Muslim

    • How Paradigm Conflicts Create Doubts

    • Two Types of Reform

    • The Necessity of Studying the Modern Paradigm

    • The Anti-Traditionalism of Modernity

    • Chapter 2 Quiz

  • 4

    Language as a Source of Doubt

    • How We Speak Affects How We Think

    • Islamic and Scientific Sources

    • Getting Lost in Translation

    • Chapter 3 Quiz

  • 5

    Modernist Ethics and Meta-Ethics

    • Achieving Moral Progress

    • Suhba and Reforming Islam

    • The Not-So-Golden Rule

    • The Connection Between Ethics and Knowledge

    • Chapter 4 Quiz

  • 6

    Tortured Intuitions

    • The Intuitive Basis of Reason and Empiricism

    • Intuitions: Objectivity and Subjectivity

    • Mutilating the Mind

    • Chapter 5 Quiz

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    Next Steps

    • What's Next?

    • Before you go...