Course Outline

  • 1


    • Important Course Info and Download!

  • 2

    The Nature of Modern Muslim Doubts

    • The Problem of Doubt

    • How to Approach Doubts

    • Chapter 1 Quiz

  • 3


    • Defining Modernity

    • Defining Post-Modernity

    • How Useful Is Religion?

    • Chapter 2 Quiz

  • 4


    • The Progressive Conception of History

    • The Fundamental Question

    • Chapter 3 Quiz 1

    • The Two Pronged Dilemma for Muslims

    • Two Wrong Approaches to the Dilemma

    • Chapter 3 Quiz 2

  • 5

    When Religion Doesn't "Make Sense"

    • Reason and Revelation in Conflict

    • Muslim Skepticism Defined

    • The Importance of Traditional Islamic Scholarship

    • What Do We Mean by Scholarly Consensus and Why Is It So Important?

    • Chapter 4 Quiz

  • 6

    The Strategy for Addressing Modern Doubts

    • How Muslim Skepticism Works

    • The Intellectually Fulfilled Muslim

    • Chapter 5 Quiz

  • 7

    Next steps

    • What's Next?

    • Before you go...